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Getting Help


Unlock Protocol’s documentation is organized into the following categories.

  • Getting Started: An overview of web3 and Unlock Protocol core concepts (you are here).
  • Core Protocol: An overview of the two smart contracts that make up the protocol and a complete interface reference generated from the smart contracts themselves.
  • Tools: All the information you need about the tooling provided by Unlock Labs for protocol implementation.
  • Tutorials: In-depth articles on specific use cases and implementations.
  • Governance: Everything you need to know about becoming a DAO member, UDT governance tokens, and voting.

We also have Creator Guides geared towards people using the convenience applications we've built, step-by-step tutorials on specific implementations and covering plugins and integrations. Although these guides are aimed at non-technical users they are still relevant and useful to developers building applications on Unlock.

There is a search bar in the top nav where you can use key words to quickly navigate the docs site and quickly find the resources you're looking for.

Discord Server​

We have a thriving community at Unlock Protocol and our Discord server is the hub. When you first land there be sure to drop into the lobby and hit the "Unlock Discord" button where you can claim your Unlock Membership and gain access to the rest of our channels. If you have any technical implementation questions you'll find our #developers channel is the place to be. Both our core engineering team, mods, developer relations, along with seasoned Unlock members are usually very responsive and ready to answer your questions. Most of the time you can do a search in this channel and find some answers you're looking for.